Saturday, 10 November 2012

Clearing the Decks

Winter approaches and a damp chill invades the studio. The heater takes the edge off this enough to work, but it is too damp to leave the work itself in there. So here is a reminder of how it all looked this summer for Open Up Sheffield. Now the walls are bare, a blank canvas on which to start again.

Wednesday, 7 March 2012

Inking Up!

Printing the new plates has been going well so far.

Friday, 2 March 2012


The first in a new series of urban landscapes. It has its basis in photographs I took in Greece. This print is a triple inking of Prussian Blue, rolled over with Cadmium Yellow and Crimson.

Monday, 27 February 2012

A Wood of my Own

Visiting the David Hockney exhibition "The Bigger Picture" this weekend at the RA was an inspiration. I had designed three of the Beely Wood prints to hang together to form an extended image. I am now thinking of printing them on a single sheet of paper next time I go to Pete's to use the big press.

Friday, 13 January 2012


The plate is much larger than usual and so was printed in Peter York's studio. It is based on a beech tree we had to have felled.

Sunday, 8 January 2012

The Fourth Tree

This print has an angular nature and is more abstract than its predecessors. I intend to take this further with a larger plate.