Wednesday 5 March 2014

Here it is!

Very excited about my new website courtesy of Penny Duck!

Thursday 20 February 2014

Stop Press

My friend and fellow Hope Roader Jan Hopkins is making me a new website. It is most elegant, with  lovely clean pages and very professional drop down menus. On it my work looks rather good, even though I say it myself as shouldn't. Just wait till it goes live. As it is I keep flicking onto the test site for a before and after makeover sensation.

Monday 4 November 2013


I am hoping to produce some work inspired by the forms and colours I saw when we visited Porto this summer.

Friday 7 June 2013

Derbyshire Landscapes

Sepia mixed with black and some linseed oil.

Monday 27 May 2013

Little Landscapes

Busy in the studio making some small landscapes.

Saturday 23 March 2013

Langdale Pikes Plate

These are the first prints from a new plate inspired by a walk across the Langdale Pikes in Cumbria.

The first print is a straight intaglio treatment of black ink. I am pleased with the dynamic quality of the image.

The second print is stronger in the original than it looks in this reproduction. To produce it the plate was first wiped with a mixture of Ultramarine with Paynes Grey, then Cadmium Yellow was rollered on top along with blots of neat Cadmium Red, applied with scrim.
